Watch “The Hill We Climb” written and recited by Amanda Gorman HERE
15-30 Minutes
I prepare myself for prayer in my usual way. I silent any distractions. I sit in a comfortable position.
I take in three deep breaths, feeling my belly expand with each inhale and deflate with each exhale.
I pray for the grace to be present to the pain and surrender to the suffering caused by sin.
I think back over these past few weeks to moments in my prayer that struck me. I return to those thoughts and prayers. I note any particular emotions these moments evoke.
I reflect on where I felt moments of consolations, a closeness to God, or desolation, distance from God.
I prepare myself for a series of three colloquies.
First, I turn to Mother Mary. I imagine myself sitting beside her asking her for three favors from her Son. I ask for an understanding of sin in my life. I ask for understanding on how to make amends for my personal sins. I ask for deeper insight into how sin works in the world so as to work against sin and toward God, and how to repent for benefits I have received because of sin in the world. I say a Hail Mary or other prayer to Mary.
Then I imagine that Jesus joins us. I ask the same three favors so that Jesus may obtain them from God on my behalf. I say a prayer to Jesus.
Finally, I imagine that I go before God with Mary and Jesus. Recognizing that God gives all good things, I again ask for the three favors from God.
Thanking Mary, Jesus, and God for time spent with them, I close my prayer with an Our Father.
Having a community to grow with is an important part of growing both in the spiritual life and a life committed to racial justice. Sharing groups facilitate learning from others and articulating for oneself and others how God is working in one's own prayer and learning. St. Ignatius Parish is organizing OPTIONAL small reflection groups for parishioners. We will also try to support other locations by networking with interested persons from the same location together.
This survey asks you to identify if you would like to join a small group and/or facilitate a small group. We also ask you to identify if you would like to be in a particular type of group. While we cannot guarantee we can pair people in the exact group they prefer, we will try to organize groups according to the responses to the survey. This will be contingent on the number of facilitators we are able to recruit.
Please complete the survey if you'd like to take part by January 31st.
If you've just joined us on this journey, welcome! Please know that past issues of the newsletter are available on our website and are updated every week. You can find them below. You can also share this link with others who might want to sign up!