Dear Sisters and Brothers –
The heartbreaking news of sexual abuse claims that have led to the bankruptcy of the San Francisco Archdiocese and news about other claims of abuse that have recently come to light lead me to address our community and speak of how we are responding at St. Ignatius Parish.
St. Ignatius Parish requires that all adult staff members and volunteers who interact with vulnerable populations undergo education and training to ensure the safety of minors and vulnerable adults. In addition, minors who work with other minors in ministry receive age-appropriate training. It is the policy of the Jesuits West Province, the Archdiocese of San Francisco, and St. Ignatius Parish to remove from ministry any accused person while an investigation is undertaken. If it is a criminal matter, the investigation will involve law enforcement. The safety of those who are vulnerable is our utmost concern. At the same time. we offer both victims and the accused appropriate pastoral care, as members of the Body of Christ.
Over more than two decades of dealing with this issue, we have seen too often the effects of giving into the temptation to plug our ears and hope that these matters go away. But like Bartimaeus, the blind man in Mark’s gospel, who will not be silenced and whose perseverance prompts the healing of Jesus, listening to the voices of survivors is essential to healing our Church. It is painful to hear, and it is disruptive, but we – those charged with leadership in the Church and all of us – must recognize that the healing love of Jesus will come to our Church only in this way.
If you or anyone you know has been abused by clergy or any another adult in ministry, please make your voice heard; we deeply desire your healing. You can contact a Jesuit or lay parish staff member, and we will listen and help you get the assistance you need. You can also contact the Jesuits West Province, the Archdiocese of San Francisco, or local law enforcement.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me or another member of the parish staff. And let us keep the victims of any kind of sexual abuse, as well as those accused, in our prayers.
Oremus pro invicem,
Fr. Greg