RSVP today for Home4Dinner: Las Vecinas: Sunday, December 8, 2024, after 10:00 am Mass
Please sign up to attend, so that we have plenty of food, and to volunteer, so that we have plenty of help. Here is link you can share with friends and family:
Updates 11/6/24:
It's a short walk to McLaren Hall for this event, but we will have a USF shuttle to assist those who need a lift!
A Cookie Exchange is in the works...stay tuned!!
On Sunday, December 8th, following the 10:00am Mass (there will be one mass that weekend), we will gather at USF's McLaren Complex for food and fellowship. Please note McLaren is located across USF campus requiring a short walk from the church. Volunteers will be stationed along the path to guide you. We will have the USF Shuttle service available to assist those with limited mobility.
Come join us as we continue this beloved tradition. To make sure that our table is plentiful, PLEASE REGISTER IN ADVANCE TO LET US KNOW YOU ARE COMING!! The suggested donation for this December Home4Dinner is $10 for adults, $25 per family and $5 for USF students. You may donate online via Sign Up Genius below, or bring cash or checks to the event. This is a free event so donations are optional but appreciated to help offset our costs.
We need volunteers!! Please sign up for our volunteer tasks: setup, cleanup, food runners, food servers and greeters. Note we especially need task leads to ensure things run smoothly so thank you to those able to help! We also need folks to bring cookies for dessert and the annual Christmas Cookie Exchange.
We look forward to seeing you there.
About St. Ignatius Parish's Las Vecinas Ministry:
Las Vecinas Ministry maintains an ongoing relationship with our sister parish of San Antonio in Soyapango, a densely populated municipality next to San Salvador that suffers from poverty and high unemployment. The ministry also provides student scholarships, vocational training, and other material support to empower the disadvantaged people served by San Antonio Parish. There will be an online silent auction as well as an opportunity to purchase crafts that they have brought from their country. In their honor, we will be serving Salvadoran food. sign up to attend, so that we have plenty of food, and to volunteer, so that we have plenty of help.