Faith formation is a lifelong journey that recognizes the unique relationship each of us has with our Creator and the importance of freeing ourselves to respond to our Creator with love and gratitude. Faith is not a subject to be mastered. Instead, it is a response to an encounter with God's love in the Person of Christ and in each other. At St. Ignatius, our faith formation ministry for children and adults highlights the freedom of the human person by making room for the dynamic and unpredictable nature of conversion within the personal experience of receiving and responding to faith.
Participants in St. Ignatius Parish's Children's Faith Formation develop a personal relationship with God, an emerging sense of authentic self, and an orientation toward service with a heart for justice. All children ages 6-17 are welcome to register in our Children's Faith Formation program, which includes preparation for First Communion and First Reconciliation (2 year program) and Confirmation (2 year program). Register in May for the 2025-2026 program year.
Update January 28, 2025: Here are the CLOW Sundays:Children's Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) is a ministry which brings the message of the Gospel to children and families in their own words. Children (ages Pre-K through Grade 4) meet with two adult leaders during the Liturgy of the Word at the 10 am Mass on most Sundays. We are putting together our calendar for the 2024-2025 program year and are in need of adult volunteers to help with this ministry. If you are interested, please contact Rosie Costa at [email protected].
Update January 28, 2025: Here are the CLOW Sundays:This program serves youth, ages 8 to 18, and their need for connection in the context of faith, service and community.
As a Jesuit, Catholic community, St. Ignatius Parish seeks to accompany our parishioners on a lifelong journey toward God. To this end, our Adult Faith Formation program has its roots in the Apostolic Preferences of the Society of Jesus: namely, the call to show the way to God through the Spiritual Exercises and discernment. We do this by providing opportunities to grow in our faith by encountering the love of God in the Person of Christ and each other.
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults is a multi-month religious formation program for adults who wish to join the Catholic Church or become fully initiated, if they already are baptized Catholics.
All are created in the image and likeness of God. All are wanted. All are loved. All are blessed. LGBTQIA+ parishioners, family, friends, and allies are invited to join us in making St. Ignatius Parish a welcoming space for all of God's children. Contact Tom Fregoso at [email protected] for more information or to volunteer.
We are currently organizing 2025 Fall Men's and Women's Retreats. If you would like to help organize, promote, or attend the Men's Retreat or the Women's Retreat, let us know!
Breaking Open the Word is for people that love the Word of God and want to more fully engage in Sunday liturgy. This weekly Scripture study group meets Tuesdays afternoons at 4 pm on Zoom. Each week we study the First Reading, Psalm, and Gospel for the upcoming Sunday. Newcomers welcome! If you need the passcode it is 954051. Join Zoom meeting
Described as a "prayerful listening to the word of God," Lectio Divina invites us to meditate on the scriptures and receive what we need in the moment. Our Lectio Divina ("Divine Reading") Prayer Group meets weekly on Thursdays at 10:30 am in the Accolti Room in the back of Fromm Hall behind the Maraschi Room. Enter via the entrance on the northwest corner of the building near Golden Gate Avenue.