Dear Sisters and Brothers –
Sixty-one years ago, Vatican II spoke about Catholics in the pews in language that was groundbreaking and exciting. The image of “the People of God,” for example, sought to replace our self-understanding as a passive, receptive people with one that gives agency and responsibility to the everyday Catholic. Lumen Gentium, one of the four primary documents, speaks of the “common priesthood of the faithful,” conferred on all of the baptized. In following years, the Society of Jesus developed these themes in its own documents, recognizing the gifts given by the Spirit to the Church through our lay partners in mission and their essential role in the effectiveness of our ministries.
Learn more about lay leadership and nomination season!
In this spirit, eleven years ago, St. Ignatius Parish implemented a model of parishioner leadership that has served our Parish well. It seeks to recognize and respect the call to ministry given to all the baptized, and it helps foster and deepen the responsibility for the life of our parish shared among parishioners, staff, and clergy. It also facilitates communication and collaboration among the various activities throughout the parish.
Our leadership model centers on four Commissions, under which every ministry, committee and event in the Parish falls. The four Commissions are (with some of those ministries): Faith Formation (Children’s Faith Formation, retreats, Adult Faith Formation series), Worship (liturgical ministers, Liturgical Environment Planning Committee), Mercy & Justice (Simple Needs Sunday, Advocacy Committee, Laudato Sí), and Community (Home4Dinner, post-Mass hospitality). The primary responsibility of the Commissions is to make sure that each of the ministries that fall under its purview has the resources and help it needs to accomplish its goals. To achieve this, each Commission member is the liaison between the Commission and one or more ministries, checking in with the ministry lead each month.
The Commissions meet together quarterly for short- and long term-planning and, as importantly, to engage in prayer and discernment about where the Holy Spirit is leading our community. Each Commission has between six and 10 members, who serve three-year terms; terms are staggered in order to maintain consistency. Terms begin and end with the June meeting, giving the new members some time over the summer to ramp up before the new year starts.
Winter begins the process for selecting new Commission members. In the next few weeks, you will be hearing from current Commissioners about their experiences serving our Parish in this capacity. Our hope is that you will think about nominating yourself or someone you believe has experience in any of our ministries and leadership skills. On the next page is a link to make a nomination online.
We are blessed with a vibrant and dynamic Parish, and that is the result of the generosity and hard work of so many. It is also a function of understanding that we all bear some responsibility for creating that parish. Please keep this process in your prayers.
God bless you and all you hold in your hearts. And, as always,
oremus pro invicem.
Fr. Greg
Learn more about lay leadership and nomination season!