Before Mass starts, those who assist at Mass gather in a circle in the sacristy to pray. I often hear myself wrapping up the prayer by saying “… and may God bind those who gather today into the Body of Christ that we might be his body to all who are in need.”
As I sit to write a few words on Father’s Day, my own father is in surgery for a badly torn rotator cuff sustained in a fall at their home a few weeks ago. As surgeries go, rotator cuff isn’t at all bad. But, Dad is 89. You get the picture—it’s fair to worry.
This weekend we celebrate the feast of Pentecost. Jesus the Christ makes good on his promise not to leave us orphans. As he sent his first disciples the gift of the Holy Spirit, he continues to do that for us in our time and in our lives. But how do we know that the Spirit dwells and is active in us and our world?