Are you, or anyone you know, interested in becoming a Catholic? Or if you are already baptized, would you like to complete the sacraments of initiation by receiving the Eucharist and being confirmed in the Catholic Church? Adults (18+) are invited to join our upcoming Order of Christian Initiation of Adults program here at St. Ignatius Parish with classes starting Sunday, Sept. 8, and extending through Sunday, June 1, 2025. All participants will receive the sacraments at the Easter Vigil on April 19, 2025.
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is a nine-month religious formation program for adults who wish to join the Catholic Church — or become fully initiated, if they already are baptized Catholics. Participants examine their faith, learn about the Catholic tradition and deepen their faith-lives. The program includes weekly classes, the shared experience of Sunday Mass, special liturgies and community service.
OCIA begins each year in September and continues through May. Participants receive the sacraments at the Easter Vigil. Participants must join before the Rite of Acceptance, the first Sunday of Advent. Interested people may sit in on classes at any time.
Update 1/28/25: New documents will be available soon.
Each OCIA candidate walks this journey of faith with a sponsor. Sponsors are adult Catholics who agrees to participate in all of the OCIA activities with their candidate, especially major events which take place in December, February, and April. Serving as a sponsor is a wonderful way to refresh your knowledge of Catholic practices and traditions, while exploring anew your own relationship with God.
This year, sponsors are needed to accompany our candidates and catechumens as they journey to full initiation at the Easter Vigil. All fully initiated Catholics age 18 or older are eligible. If you have a desire to share your faith, or if you have benefitted from the example set by your sponsor or godparent, consider whether the Holy Spirit is calling you to do the same for another by becoming a sponsor. Questions? Contact Mary Romo at the email listed below, or attend one of our workshops. Information on the next workshop will be posted in the "Events" section of our website.